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Academy Kids are Hard at Work!

Fall time greetings parents and students!

All our wonderful students have been working hard and learning this Fall, and we are so proud of them! Remember to get out there and enjoy the crisp Fall air! A very important part of Waldorf philosophy is experiencing and being outside! Soon our thoughts will turn to Yuletide and all the wonderful activities and family time that comes with it. We generally recommend our students take time off from school over Yule and enjoy family and focus on spirituality. There is certainly a lot of it during this time!

Of course, we will have Yule-themed activities and schoolwork if you choose to use it. But spend this time making family traditions, enjoying the traditions of your family's unique Aryan ethnicity, whether that be Krampus, the Yule elf, Frau Holle, the Yule lads, Zwarte Piet, etc. An easy search will find a great deal of traditions from your ancestors' homeland, many of which are not explicitly Christian or are older traditions with a Christian veneer that can easily be peeled away.

We hope all our students are doing well and are enjoying school! As always, feel free to reach out to myself or any of our staff. We now have two ladies who are focused on making sure your family is comfortable in the homeschool process and are there to help you and answer questions. Rachel Kinsler and Folkbuilder Heather Young are fantastic ladies and have your answers! Rachel specifically is a very experienced homeschooler and has a great wealth of knowledge and ideas to help you be successful.

Goði Rob Stamm

Dean of the Ásatrú Academy

~ From The Runestone, November 2024 ~

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