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Today, we celebrate the 6th Day of Yule!

Today is the 6th Day of Yule!

The theme today is Moderation. Moderation, understood in the sense of Balance is crucial for good health, mentally as well as physically.

The world we live in and the media ever-present in our lives, is deliberately polarizing. We are immediately encouraged with maximum force to take one extreme stance or another. We are incentivized to show the world, or at least our circles, how extreme we can be and how much more extreme we are than the next person.

Be firm in your principles, be firm in your resolve. Be discerning in what information you consume. Be thoughtful in how you express your positions and your views. Find balance in your life and in your family between the things that cause stress and the things that cause joy. Life is about struggle, of course, but life is also about joy. Life is about building the future. Life is also about enjoying the present.

"The son of a king shall be silent and wise,And bold in battle as well;Bravely and gladly a man shall go,Till the day of his death is come" - Hávamál 15

Hail Þórr! Hail the Æsir!


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